National Campaign For Firework Safety

1996 Report
The recent debacle in the UK with the de-regulation of the firework industry and the abolition of the fireworks import license has led to dangerous Chinese fireworks flooding the country. The Liverpool Trading Standards Officers intercepted 7 container loads of these dangerous fireworks in October 1995.

The UK has some of the highest firework injuries for what is supposed to be a 1 night affair. "Guy Fawkes Night" which we "celebrate" on the 5th November in the UK now last several weeks.

The figures for firework injuries during 1995 were released in April 1996. Thankfully these figures did not include any fatalities unlike 1994 when two people died. The figures for '94 were the highest for 25 years at 1574 hospital treated injuries and 1995 continued this trend with only a slight reduction to 1,530 people needing hospital treatment.

We have a Bill ready for legislation which would clear up the mess. As well as putting back the import license which our Government unhelpfully abolished, our proposed Bill would license all fireworks sales and displays. Under the British Standard on Fireworks 7114, category 1 and 2 fireworks the very small type, would still be sold from shops but only subject to the shop purchasing a license from the Post Office. The license would require that fireworks only be sold to adults. Sales to children and youths result in heavy penalties. In categories 3 & 4 display fireworks would require a special license and a training scheme. Our Bill would be similar to the Canadian laws of 1972 and their licensed firework displays. Canada train thousands of people every year. The control of fireworks through licensing and training would put an end to the horrendous and unnecessary injuries to children, youths, and animals. In addition the noise and nuisance to everybody else would be restricted. We believe that this type of safety legislation should and could have been introduced some 25 years ago, but for Government timidity and a blinkered refusal to focus on this issue properly.

Noel Tobin (Director)
April 1996

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